Recap of the Previous Week: Dow Regains 10,000 (July 5 - July 12)
Tuesday morning - Bulls in charge, but later they couldn't maintain, Dow + 0.59% gain
Wednesday - Bulls charged and never looked back. Dow + 2.8%. regain 10,000.
Thursday - Mixed. Jobless down. Market is looking for direction. Bulls took charge for the last one hour and Dow 1.2%.
Friday - DOW + 0.58%. Unemployment rate down. GOOG led up..
As from the Fibonacci calculation - 1070 above or 980 Down?
According to the Stock Trader's Almanac: early week is bullish and Friday is bearish. (Monday - Wednesday)
July expiration day, DOW down 6 of last 9 times.
July is the best performing month according to their records. 60% last 100 years, 54% last 50 years and 70% last 20 years. Very Positive.
This week is 5% pullbacks. According to Cobra's log, all the past above 6% pullback had at least 2 legs down. So his guess is that there may be one more leg down, which I personally agreed with. See the pic here.
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His guess is that June 16 will be the next pivot date for S & P to hit 1099 and June 29 will be a cycle bottom, (based on the magic 9 days cycle shown recently). It is an interesting find and I will focus on that.

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